Privacy Policy

Our Security & Privacy Policy

We understand that your privacy is important to you. We are committed to safeguarding your personal information . This Privacy Policy applies to all information that we collect at this website. While using this site, you accept and agree to the terms and conditions of this Security & Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”). To better serve your privacy needs and to adapt to changing legal and industry standards, we periodically review our Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to make modifications, alterations or updates to this Privacy Policy at any time. Please feel free to check this Privacy Policy periodically for modifications, alterations or updates.

Customer information

When you use certain functionalities on this website you provide us with certain contact information, including your name and a valid email address. We use this information to send you updates about your order and announcements about new and exciting services that we are offering that may be of interest to you. When you order products from us, you may be asked to provide contact information or personal information that will be integrated into the final product. We use this information to fulfill your order. If you have ordered a custom product from us, we may save the information you have provided so that you may make any necessary changes, quickly reorder or design a new product. We do not share your information with anyone outside of our company or our vendors. We may use the information you have provided when ordering a custom product to aggregate information on the popularity and marketability of certain product designs or design features. You may be asked to provide additional information, including your type or credit card, credit card number and billing and shipping address(es). If we have trouble processing your order we’ll use this information to contact you. We save this information to make reorders and follow up easier for you. Please note that we do use outside shipping companies and a credit card processing company to deliver your order and bill you accordingly. We do not permit any of these companies to use such information other than to process and deliver your order. They are not permitted to retain, share, store or use such information for any other purpose. If you elect to create a “My Account” profile with us, you will be asked to provide certain detailed information about you , your company or your business. We will use this information solely to fulfill your orders and to allow you to review you order history and to facilitate easier reordering with us. We may share your personal information internally. Also, we uses a reputable third party to collect and accumulate other anonymous data that helps us understand and analyze the Internet experience of our visitors. For example, we accumulate visitor data relating to referring domains, the type of browsers used, operating system software (e.g. Windows and Mac OS), plug-ins, etc. We also record number of visits, paths taken and time spent on our sites and pages. This information may be stored in a cookie on your computer’s hard drive. However, none of this information is personally identifiable and we only share this information in the aggregate, reflecting overall website or Internet usage trends.

Online Security

Our website takes every reasonable precaution to protect our users’ information.

When users submit sensitive information via the website, their information is protected both online and off-line When our shopping cart page asks users to enter sensitive information (such as a credit card number and/billing information) that information is encrypted and is protected with the best encryption software in the industry—SSL. While on a secure page, such as our shopping cart, the lock icon on the Web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari becomes locked and turns green as opposed to un-locked, or open, when users are just ‘browsing.’

While we use SSL encryption to protect sensitive information online, we also do everything in our power to protect user information off-line. All of our users’ information, not just the sensitive information mentioned above, is restricted in our office. Only the employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, accounting or a customer service representative) are granted access to personally identifiable information. Employees must enter their password to gain access to user information. Finally, the servers that store personally identifiable information are in a high-security environment at our co-location facilities.

Changing information

You can easily change any of the information you have provided to us in “My Account”. You can also permanently remove your information from our database. You may go to “My Account” at any time and change or delete your information. Alternatively, you can contact us at

Privacy guarantee

We will not sell, rent, or give away your e-mail address or personal information.Â

All information that you enter is confidential and is transmitted over our secure servers.

Security Policy

The confidentiality of your information is of the utmost importance to us. We have security measures in place to prevent the theft, loss, misuse and alteration of the information that you provide to us. We treat all files, documents and data submitted by you with care and confidentiality. As with all electronic transactions, however, the security of your information can never be 100% guaranteed. As a convenience, all files submitted to us will remain accessible on our secured servers and be available only to you through your password-protected “My Account”. We may contact you at the email address previously provided by you to notify you of the status of your order and to determine whether you are satisfied with your order.

Cookie Files

A “cookie” is a piece of data stored on your computer digital device containing information about you. When you first access our website, the site places a cookie on your device.

This cookie contains a unique number that assists us in identifying you the next time you visit our website. This “cookie” will not give us or any other site access to the rest of your device. Only our site is able to read the cookie that our site creates. If you reject the placement of a cookie on your device, you may still be able to access our website. However your access may be limited in some areas. We are not responsible for the abuse or misuse of any information gathered through the use of cookies by third parties.

Logged Files

Each time you visit our website, we log your device’s unique Internet Protocol (IP) address, which is comprised of a string of numbers separated by periods (e.g., 123.456.78.9), and browser type for administrative purposes. We use your IP address to analyze trends, track your movement within or site, diagnose problems with our servers, efficiently manage our site, and gather general demographic information. We do not, under any circumstances, link your IP address with any information that could personally identify you.

Surveys, Announcements and Contests

Occasionally we may contact you to conduct surveys, announce new products and services or promote contests. Participation in surveys and contests is purely voluntary. You may decline your receipt of announcements concerning new products and services at any time. You can opt out of any or all of these mailings at any time. Opting out these mailings will not affect your ability to do business with us in any way. All information gathered through surveys is used to improve your satisfaction with our site and us. We may share information gathered through contests with the contest’s co-sponsors or other third parties.

Sharing information

We may share information we collect with alliances and other advertisers. Aggregated demographic information is not linked to any information that could potentially identify you.

Special Attention to Children

If you indicate to us that you are less than 18 years of age, we will require parental consent before we activate your account. If we are aware that a child has submitted personal information, we will not share that information until we have received parental consent. Once we receive parental consent, a child’s personal information will be treated in the same manner as an adult’s personal information, and in accordance with the rest of this Privacy Policy.

California Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance.

Because we value your privacy we have taken the necessary precautions to be in compliance with the California Online Privacy Protection Act. We therefore will not distribute your personal information to outside parties without your consent.

As part of the California Online Privacy Protection Act, all users of our site may make any changes to their information at any time by logging into their account through the control panel and going to the ‘Edit Profile’ page

General Privacy Provisions

The services we provide are not directed toward children less than 18 years of age, nor do we knowingly make such services available to children. Notwithstanding this Privacy Policy, we reserve the right to disclose any information or documents that, in its sole discretion, are reasonably necessary to protect our business, including but not limited to complying with a court order, order from any administrative body or law enforcement officials. We reserve the right to disclose such information or documents without a subpoena, warrant or other court order in certain situation, including but not limited to instances where you: (i) are in violation of the Terms of service governing this site; (ii) have engaged, or are alleged to have engaged, in any activity purporting to infringe upon the intellectual property rights of another; or (iii) have engaged, or are alleged to have engaged, in any other illegal conduct or activity. We reserve the right to disclose your personal information whenever required by any court, administrative body or law enforcement agency. We also reserve the right to report any suspected illegal activity to such entities for investigation and prosecution. If you have any questions or comments concerning this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

This policy was last updated September, 2015.